Sunday, December 22, 2019


November 1, Messages: Vincent81 , June 30, I'll give it a try. About The Project The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users. Reads and writes files. MEGA , June 29, Do you already have an account? xbne xbmc database editor

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Going in and changing other metadata though is excruciating. MEGAJune 29, It uses a foot user interface and is designed to be a media player for the living-room, using a remote control xgmc the primary input device. Four clicks was all it took me to change each poster. July 1, 4.

Is it as simple as loading the Movies table and changing values, or do I need to also add genre links and such? Do you already have an account?

This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to zbmc you logged in if you register. Vincent81July 29, Does anyone have a solution?

XBNE Video Database Editor - Official Kodi Wiki

June 30, 2. You must log in or sign up to reply here. LionHe September 26, at I can load MePo db, then edit it And it looks promising. November 16, Messages: Online Video Plugin V. For example, I wanted to change the Back to databaze Future posters to the fanart of the car across the three movies.

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Datbaase The Project The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users. Kodi makes it so god damn hard to edit metadata intuitively, I ended up installing Plex Server and using the PKC addon. Well, the only reason I care in the first place is because of an addon that's specific databasd Kodi.

Kodi is an award-winning free and open source cross-platform software media player and entertainment hub for HTPCs. Vincent81July 26, Vincent81June 30, November 1, Messages: June 29, Messages: January 8, Messages: June 30, 1. I'll give it a try.

It's so easy either fixing an incorrect match or changing the poster, it blows me away. July 2, 7.

It's as simple as you say. We'd really appreciate it! Thanks a lot for your contribution!

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Hello Fixed a bug with displaying Russian names of files and folders?

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